113 Peak Downs Highway, Walkerston QLD 4751
Acreage in Walkerston
Approx 2 acres
* 3 Large Bedrooms
* All Bedrooms with Built/ins and Air Conditioning
* Large Lounge
* Largen Rumpus Room
* Office
* Dishwasher, Gas Cooktop and Gas Oven
* Full Length Front Verandah
* Full Length Back Verandah + Large Covered Entertainment Area
* 3-Bay Shed with Power
*Town Water and Sewerage
Please Book for and Inspection.
Disclaimer: The Agent does not give any warranty as to errors or omissions, if any, in these particulars, the provided information can be deemed reliable but not accurate. Any persons interested in the property should conduct their own research. Location shots and use of furniture (real or virtual) are for visual display purposes only and not included in the lease.
Property Features
- House
- 3 bed
- 1 bath
- Toilet
- 3 Open Parking Spaces