454 Sugarshed Road, ERAKALA QLD 4740

Sold $330,000

Is this possible? Absolutely! 1.984 hectares (4.9 acres) at Erakala!

If you are on the look out for that lifestyle block in peaceful Erakala don’t miss out on inspecting this block.

This is your opportunity to move from the suburbs to a rural setting and add a dose of tranquility to your life!

Zoned Rural Residential and complete with it’s own bore this is one of the few blocks of this type remaining in the area.
Electricity and town water easily connected.

Take the opportunity to walk this block by arranging your personal inspection today.

Call Glenis Wilson 0427 423 553

Property Features
  • Land is 1.98 hectare
Glenis Wilson
Sales Consultant
0427 423 553