Shed 9/1 Chain Street, East Mackay QLD 4740

Industrial Shed Close to CBD

Close to the City Centre, this Industrial Unit, built with concrete block and positioned at the end of a cul-de-sac, has an approx. area 145m2 with an office area, toilet facility, kitchenette, high clearance roller door and personal access door.

Property highlights:-

– Toilet facility and kitchenette
– High clearance roller door access

Call today for further information or for an inspection!

**Disclaimer: The agent and seller do not give any warranty as to errors or omissions, if any, in these particulars. The provided information can be deemed reliable but not accurate. Any persons interested in the property should conduct their own research.

Real Estate Agent's
Ian McDonald
Director (Commercial Agent)
0455 083 383
49 632536
For Lease POA
Property Features
Commercial Features

Mackay Waterfront PDA Mackay City Centre Local Plan